Addiction treatment drugs at home that help the patient during the period of withdrawal symptoms or the so-called detox phase and what comes from the treatment stages, it needs a doctor who specializes in the field of addiction treatment and psychiatry and has a great experience in how to deal with these drugs. But we warn you against using addiction treatment drugs without therapeutic counseling under the supervision of a medical specialist in addiction treatment drugs.
Therefore, in fact, treatment is not limited to addiction treatment drugs only, but drug treatment is a very important step and is complementary to the second steps in drug addiction treatment, whether through addiction treatment centers or through outpatient clinics.
Where doctors resort to a group of therapeutic drugs that help relieve withdrawal symptoms, as it also plays an important role in preparing the patient psychologically to accept the treatment period.
Addiction treatment drugs and what is their role in treatment?
- Relieving the pain of withdrawal symptoms and their effects on the patient.
- Treatment of psychological diseases associated with addictive disease.
- Helps a recovering addict never turn to drugs again.
What are the addiction treatment drugs at home?
The drugs used in what is known as addiction treatment, are a group of drugs that help the addiction patient to overcome the stage of withdrawal symptoms without feeling pain.
And here begins the primary role of these drugs, which treat many of the symptoms that appear on the patient during the treatment period, such as:
- Persistent dizziness.
- Diarrhea with vomiting.
- Sleep disturbances.
- Bone pain.
Addiction treatment drugs also treat auditory and visual hallucinations as a result of the patient’s prolonged drug use and also treat these; Heart rate and high blood pressure medications.
Were it not for the addiction treatment drugs that the specialist gives to the patient during the period of withdrawal symptoms, the result may be death because of failure; And the ability to withstand drug withdrawal symptoms.
The severity of withdrawal symptoms varies with the type of drug, the duration of use, and the health status of the addicted patient.
Addiction patients soon develop psychological symptoms, which make sometimes drug users more aggressive and increase the desire to sleep.
Addiction treatment drugs such as antidepressants and mood stabilizers help in recovering from psychological symptoms also resulting from drug abuse.
Where these diseases are the result of a defect in the function of the brain, and the most important of these diseases that help in treating addiction drugs and disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system as well as anxiety, tension and depression.
Addiction Drugs Tramadol, Lyrica, and Lirolin:
Tramadol is one of the most dangerous drugs for human health, as its prevalence has increased dramatically in the last period of past years, although it is the best analgesic in the world and has many medicinal uses.
Also, it has great ability to reduce physical pain due to painful surgeries. But, unfortunately, the drug Tramadol has a lot of serious harm to humans as a result of its misuse. Before anything, before we talk about the treatment of tramadol, it is due to the user’s desire to get rid of the addiction to tramadol and return to his normal life. Lyrica and Lerolin are an alternative to tramadol, as both of them are It works to relieve pain and control the centers of the brain, so the treatment is often done with the same drug programs.
Addiction medication to Tramadol Lyrica and Liroline at home or at home
Buprenorphine is used in withdrawal symptoms from tramadol, as it works to stop the action of opioids and prevent them from affecting the body, and it is a tablet placed under the tongue.
Naltrexone does not relieve withdrawal symptoms, but it does prevent the nerve center in the brain from needing an anesthetic.
CLONIDINE is used to treat blood pressure disturbances due to drug withdrawal from the body.
It is a group of sedative drugs that treat sleep disorders and anxiety in the detoxification stage.
Drugs to treat heroin and opiate addiction at home
It is considered the safest drug due to its weak addictive capabilities.
There are many types of drugs that help with treatment, and the two most effective of them are two types of drugs for treating heroin addiction.
The first type works to neutralize the drug heroin on the brain and nervous system, and the second type has a strong effect in treating heroin addiction and the treatment of strong and severe withdrawal symptoms resulting from the abuse of heroin.
It is one of the most severe withdrawal symptoms and is also one of the addiction treatment drugs that are used by specialized doctors, such as hypnotics, antidepressants, anxiety, mental disorders, and recovery from addiction disease.
The most proven heroin addiction treatment method is to rid the body of the drug’s toxins as quickly as possible. This method is called Rapid detoxification, also known as the waismann method.
Where treatment is done at this stage by means of addiction treatment that is given to the patient, such as hypnotics and some drugs that purify the receptors of the nervous system and brain by its influence with narcotic substances.
The most important drugs for treating heroin and opioids
Buprenorphine – sapotec:
Sabotox and buprenorphine are homeopathic drugs that work to relieve withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping heroin and opioids.
NALTREXONE plays an important role in the treatment of heroin or opioid addiction, as it aims to affect the brain centers responsible for the desire for the drug.
Addiction drugs to amphetamines and (crystal meth-Captagon – alum):
It relieves the withdrawal symptoms, as it works to strengthen the body and reduce the feeling of pain.
It is one of the drugs for treating withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, angina, and heart disorder.
One of the antidepressants and anxiety works to reduce this feeling, as it reduces the desire for drugs.
Drugs to treat Strox addiction at home or at home:
Antidepressants and psychosis:
A group of drugs that treat schizophrenia and depression attacks resulting from the withdrawal symptoms of Strox.
Sleeping medications are indicated to counter the withdrawal symptoms.
Mood stabilizers:
As a result of the occurrence of mood swings, medications that help stabilize the mood are identified.
Types of addiction treatment drugs at home or at home
There are many types of drugs that cause addiction, such as analgesics, depression drugs, and others, as these drugs contain chemical compounds that have direct effects on the neurotransmitters that form the link between brain cells and some of them.
Where the chemical structures of these drugs affect all functions and brain cells in different ways. However, most of these combinations disrupt dopamine and serotonin levels.
They are substances found in brain cells that are responsible for feelings of happiness, pleasure, feelings and emotion. As a result because of abuse of those drugs. It gives the person a false feeling of happiness and euphoria, which leads to addiction to these substances, as the person is unable to abstain from them.
What are the most addictive drug treatment in Egypt:
1- Painkillers:
Some of the strong painkillers have a great and direct effect on nerve cells, and overuse of them leads to addiction, especially drugs that contain opium or morphine derivatives.
2- Antidepressants:
Antidepressants come at the top of the category of drugs that cause addiction, because they directly affect the level of serotonin, the hormone in the human body responsible for feeling pleasure and happiness.
As the withdrawal symptoms of these drugs are feelings of malaise, tension and anxiety, which leads the person to think of an attempted suicide. Or by taking these medicines for long periods and that would be a threat to the individual’s life.
3- hypnotics and sedatives:
Mostly, this type of medicine is prescribed to treat insomnia and insomnia, but these medicines have a direct effect on the central nervous system, and if taken without consulting a doctor, it may lead to addiction.
4- stimulant drugs:
Stimulant drugs are used in the treatment of many diseases of the nervous system, especially hyperactivity and mental distraction, and sometimes used in the treatment of obesity.
Misuse of addiction treatment drugs causes addiction to them, such as taking a certain drug without a prescription or taking more than the dose specified by the doctor.
You must not take any medicine or medical drug without medical advice, or that the doctor prescribed it to you in specific doses.
How do drugs help in treating addiction
Medicines can make it easier for recovering addicts to remain alert. Many people who try to quit drugs or alcohol relapse because they cannot deal with withdrawal symptoms.
Some medications can mimic the effects of addictive drugs, relieving withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
Addiction medication may be prescribed as part of an inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation program. Doctors may adjust doses during the course of treatment to ensure addicts have the best chance of achieving sobriety.
Withdrawal of drugs and detoxification
Then, during the early healing stages, the medications must be removed from the body. This is called the detoxification period. Detoxification can last from several days to several weeks, depending on the drug. Dealing with withdrawal symptoms is often the hardest part of the detoxification process. During detoxing, former drug users experience many uncomfortable symptoms. Some of these may include:
- Anxiety
- depression
- nausea
- Seizures
- Muscle pain
- Sweating
Different medications are used to treat different withdrawal symptoms.
Some of the detoxifying drugs that doctors prescribe include:
These medications reduce anxiety and irritability. Anxiety is a common symptom of withdrawal from many drugs, including cocaine and opioids such as heroin, and benzos has a calming effect, which helps facilitate alcohol withdrawal. Doctors caution against prescribing benzos because it is addictive.
Without drugs, an addict cannot produce normal amounts of happy-stimulating chemicals in his brain. Since they have relied on medication to keep them happy for so long, detoxing people often struggle with depression. Antidepressants like Zoloft and Prozac can help relieve these feelings so that the brain can produce the happiness-inducing chemicals on its own again.
Used to treat alcohol and opioid withdrawal, clonidine reduces sweating, cramps, muscle pain, and anxiety. Clonidine was also able to stop the tremors and seizures.
The severity of withdrawal symptoms varies based on past drug use. Those who abuse drugs in high doses for a long time experience the worst symptoms.
Detoxification from alcohol or benzodiazepines such as Valium or Xanax can be fatal, so people with these addictions should not stop “cold turkey” withdrawal from other medications isn’t always life-threatening, but complications can arise. Medical help ensures safety and success in detoxing If you have an addiction, talk to someone who can help now.
Drugs to treat alcohol dependence
On the other hand, regular, prolonged use of alcohol can prolong withdrawal symptoms, which last anywhere from weeks to months. This phenomenon is called prolonged withdrawal syndrome or post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). Preventive treatment can relieve Down syndrome and may also reduce cravings or make the user unable to stomach alcohol. These medications usually come in the form of tablets that patients take every day.
Drugs for alcohol dependence include:
Naltrexone (Vivitrol)
Naltrexone blocks the receptors in the brain that produce the pleasurable effects of alcohol. It also reduces the desire to drink. Naltrexone might cause some nausea or headaches that can be given by injection every four weeks.
Acamprosate (Cambral)
This medication relieves the emotional and physical stress caused by alcohol dependence. Alcoholics can begin to recover from taking acamprosate after the detoxification has ended. Acamprosate reduces the desire to drink by blocking negative emotions like anxiety and depression.
Disulfiram (Antaeus)
Disulfiram was the first drug approved for alcoholism. If a person drinks disulfiram, the drug causes side effects such as nausea and vomiting. The idea is that those who take disulfiram will not drink if it is causing their illness.
Methadone is an opioid used for moderate to severe addictions. It works by binding to the same receptors in the brain as heroin and pain relievers, but the methadone does not elevate the user this helps suppress cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Methadone is used with caution because some people have become addicted to it rather than heroin and painkillers. Methadone clinics administer the medication daily to prevent misuse.
Buprenorphine (Suboxone)
Buprenorphine works the same way as methadone but is less regulated because the potential for addiction is less. Often users of buprenorphine can take the medication with them home instead of going to the clinic every day to get it.
Naltrexone works the same way with addiction to opiates as it does with alcoholism, which reduces the desire to use. It works with both addictions because alcohol and opioids activate some of the same receptors in the brain.
The role of the family in treating addiction at home.
Moreover, the role of family and friends is very important for the moral support of the patient, and they are one of the most important axes of drug addiction treatment, as the addiction patient must feel.
Contain on the one hand:
Friends and family during the treatment period and after the treatment as well, and care must be taken to keep the patient completely away from pressures.
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